Partner Program



We've been there, done that... that's why we're different. We know what it's like to be on the receiving end of "overpromise and under deliver." We live and die by our channel; it's the life blood of OnePacket.

Our Agent Program is committed to your success by delivering state-of-the-art networking products and managed services to your customers from a wide range of providers. We are a nimble company and will customize solutions to best fit your customer's requirements. We provide for all your needs through pricing, ordering and post-sale customer care. There are no minimum monthly sales commitments so you don't have to worry about shuffling sales resources from month-to-month just to maintain program compliance. If you sell, you get paid. It's that simple.

Once enrolled, we will provide - at no charge - a comprehensive product and process-training curriculum tailored to the needs of our thriving business partners. You'll have access to our online agent portal to track commissions, order status and receive leads. Yes, that's right, OnePacket will feed leads to qualified agents.

OnePacket was built upon the agent model. If our agents are not selling, we will not grow. You will not be underpaid.